Sunday, July 13, 2008

Last post...

Hey there people,

I don't think that you will read this post, but I had to say some final words. It were an awesome 2 weeks, and I really liked working with you. Georg for the hard work in the prototype, Onur for the clear minded and good ideas, and of course Katrina for the ideas for the room and great sketches.

I think that we as a group made a solid concept and presentation. I have to say that I'm quite proud of it (especially the work we done in just the two weeks).

I really hope to see you somewhere in the future!

Greets from a cold and cloudy Holland.


onur said...

hey nikki! i totally agree. that was a very nice experience with you guys. i heartfully hope that we will meet somewhere, sometime again...

Kristina said...

Hi sunshines! I couldn't agree more with all the things you wrote! I am actually writing my last words and doing the last changes on my raport of the idss. Then I got the idea of google our project, but I just find our blog... (and your last post of course, Nikki)If anyone of you reads this, how do I find our website? CAN I find it somewhere? Thanks again for everything! :)