Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Evaluation == Concept

Evaluation Concept: Finding Connections
The visitors of the exhibition generate statistical values by touching different objects. These are then evaluated to create a synesthetic experience for the visitors: light, sound and finally a piece of Calligraphy.

Environment: Colours and Soundscape
Depending on the Softness and the Temperature the system will pick one of nine environments. These are used for the colours and could also be used as basis for visuals or distinct soundscapes.

The Roughness and Temperature decide which music is played. Temperature decides the pace and rythm, whereas Roughness translates to the roughness of the music: is it smooth and mellow or rough and aggressive?

These are the words and concepts to be displayed in a variety of styles, depending on the Softness and Roughness values. A low Softness means rigidity, structure, hardness, whereas a low Roughness is connected with mellowness, tolerance and peace. Going from there I came up with ideas that could be associated with each of the groups.

Things to Consider
We still have to work on the music and find Calligraphy that we can use. Coming up with the exact Concept/Calligraphy-combination is practically impossible in this short time. For the presentation we will probably use examples of Calligraphy we could find on the web, but that approach poses another problem: they are not really suitable for our idea.

- Georg

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